Sidney Cheng
University Librarian
The Education University of
Hong Kong Library
Sidney started his career in academic libraries over 30 years ago as a cataloguer in the University of Hong Kong Libraries. He was the inaugural head of HKUL’s Audio-Visual Department. Before taking up the leadership of EdUHK Library in 2012, Sidney has served as Associate Librarian (Technical Services), Associate Librarian (Readers’ Services) and Deputy Librarian of the Hong Kong Institute of Education, EdUHK’s predecessor, since 1996. He received his bachelor, master and doctoral degrees from the University of Hong Kong, Rutgers University (US) and Charles Stuart University (Australia) respectively.
Sidney was Chairman of JULAC in 2017/18. He is currently the Chairman of JULAC Shared Integrated Library System Steering Committee. He is also a Fellow of Hong Kong Library Association, and has served several terms in HKLA Council since 1995, including Vice President of HKLA in 2009 and 2010.