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  司徒華先生的家人在司徒華先生逝世後將他的個人藏書及書信檔案捐贈給香港大學圖書館,作為藏品的永久歸宿,好使藏書能保存它的完整性,即使百年之後,人們對司徒華先生也可以有一個比較全面的理解。圖書館非常感謝司徒華先生家人的捐贈。二零一二年一月移交典禮後, 司徒華先生的藏書及書信檔案已正式命名為「司徒華書房」,永久存放於圖書館的特藏部。「司徒華書房」收藏超過一萬件書本、雜誌、文件、手稿、演講辭、筆記、書信、雜件等。香港大學圖書館特藏部隨即將其藏品整理、編目、數位化等等,方便讀者覽閱。二零一九年至二零二零年更獲得大學教育資助委員會知識交流基金資助,讓更多人認識「司徒華書房」。

Introduction to Mr. Szeto Wah

Mr. Szeto Wah, more commonly known as UncleWah, was a well-respected legend in the local educational sector. He was the founder of the Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union. In addition to being an educator, Mr. Szeto was also active in Hong Kong political scene since the mid-1970s. He was former Chairman of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China, a co-founder of the Democratic Party, and a member of the Legislative Council from 1985 to 2004. He died of cancer on January 2, 2011. 
        After Szeto Wah's death, his personal collection of books, letters and records were donated by his family to the University of Hong Kong Libraries (HKUL) with a view to preserving the entirety of Szeto Wah's collections and serving as a testimony of his life and works.  HKUL is deeply grateful to his family's generous donation. Since the takeover ceremony in January 2012, these materials, comprising more than 10,000 items of books, periodicals, documents, manuscripts, speeches, notes, letters and artifacts were transferred to the Special Collections,  HKUL for organizing, cataloging and digitizing to become easily accessible materials for users and researchers. They are named Szeto Wah Collection and permanently housed in the Special Collections of HKUL.  In the year 2019/2020, Special Collections obtained the HKU Knowledge Exchange Fund granted by the University Grants Committee to make Szeto Wah Collection more widely known to the general public.

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